Fish and a Bird

Fish and a Bird

In a cave in a river in a land called papua there lived a newly born Arowana fish. Like the habits of the fish there, they have to get out of the cave to look for insects that live on land or the world over. The fish that has just seen the great upper world is very amazed by what he encountered. The other fish were very unique, the trees on each side of the river, and the insects that turned out to be very tasty. But what struck her most strangely and amazed was a bird looking for worms in the muds of the river.

Cautiously he approached the little fish approaching the bird who was cool looking for worms. Fearfully he greeted the bird.

"O bird, my mother says you are an impressive creature".

The bird also said, "we can fly o small fish. Have you ever seen an ocean where many fish swim freely? ".

Shouting with pride the bird said "I have traveled all the heavens in this world".

Then the bird flies into the high sky until it is no longer visible. And then the little fish went back to his cave because it was already night thinking about what the bird had said.

In the sunny morning he, the little fish, returned to the great river to find food but did not find the bird he met yesterday. In his mind he imagined that the bird was flying happily down the aisles of the sky and through a cloud over seven oceans. And the little fish we hope someday he can swim in the vast ocean with other fish from various sides of the world.

Our little fish who always remembers and imagines what the long-gone bird said when he was feeding, without realizing he was trapped in a fisherman's net and the little fish was put in a very small plastic bag For him and other fish who also got caught.

I do not know how many places he has passed and how far he is from his life in the river. And it seems that the little fish is still thinking of his dreams of the vast ocean and the beauty of a bird and he now realizes that he has lost his freedom and he is tormented of what he dreams of.

Now the small arowana fish has lived in a large aquarium and now it becomes a pet of a child. In contrast to his life in the river first, he did not have to worry about food for his stomach because the small children who maintain it are very diligent to give food to the fish.

On a rather cloudy afternoon, there was an event our little fish would never forget. The small fish slips off and enters the waterway when the child is draining the aquarium where the fish lives. And the fish is now wading through the darkness of a dirty and dark sewer to light. Is this a hope for a freedom and a dream?

It was already dark. With the heavy rain and the dense junk of the little fish struggling for breath to the surface. A very heavy struggle for our little fish. It was inconceivable how the little body could endure the pain of a pile of garbage that exceeded the size of its body. And now yes fatigue and fall asleep in the world of the middle of nowhere until the morning before.

The dark night has now changed. But the small body of the fish is no longer able to enjoy the beauty of the sun because he was too tired for it. From a distance he saw a bird that was perched on the riverbank. With the remaining energy he approached the bird and he did not expect that the bird was a bird that he met at his birthplace.

With surprise he greeted the bird

"O bird, do you still remember me? Where am I a bird? "

With a little doubt the bird opened his mouth

"Oh oh little fish, I know you, why are you here?"

The fish again repeats his words and asks why the river is so dirty.

"This river ciliwung oh fish. So unlucky your fate to be here? ". And the bird was silent for a long time. For a long time he paused and thought. Then comes the newness of the bird's eye that has long known the heaven of this god. While staring at the small fish that began to look weak he said.

"This river is so dirty for you fish. Sooner or later you'll die "

The fish was also membantak the bird that seemed to split the sky

"How can I die while living like you is my wishes and the vast ocean has become my dream?".

The bird was silent and unable to answer. From his eyes came tears that seemed to melt and flow like a river water. He sobbed into the sky with a sob. As if now he was talking to the ruler of nature.

"Why does every creature want to live like any other creature?" And then he bows his head that seems to have been heavy with the mind of disappointment.

"The vast ocean is not your world, there are no insects for you and you can not live a day in the salt water of my son."

"I've thrown out my dream to be swimming like you fish. I have taken wisdom ".

Then the little fish was seen weakening in that very black river. Slowly he closed his eyes for the last time.

"Sleep quietly oh fish. You have learned a great lesson, sleep and dream of the river where you were born "

And stay with the bird. From his beak in the wind he whispered

"I should not give a false dream for the fish"

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